Cute Baby
Met this baby in the Chicago Art Institute yesterday. Getting an art education early! The baby is seven months old and "loves to pose for pictures", as his mother put it.
by Philosopher Queen
The cutest baby in the whole world (and she knows it!).
by cmphotomommy
she makes my heart smile too. Cutely innocent!!!
a 5-week's cute little baby girl
come across a really cute little baby girl. she is just 5 weeks...she is one of the twin...
by Starts...
The cutest baby in the world
This is Arsene, my nephew. He also happens to be the cutest and happiest baby in the world. At five months, he didn't quite know yet what to do with his face. Smile? Cry? But every time there's a lot of drool involved. LOL
by nasty hobbit lost
cute mexican baby
the cutest baby in vera cruz mexico, maybe on the planet. smiles so easily :] lovely people in mexico
by skyborne81
i actually got marilynn to say this last night. it was the funniest thing ever. EVER!!!!
by keeping it real